
As Head of Information Technology and Internal Services I am

I completed my Ph.D. thesis on iris biometrics at the University of Salzburg in 2012 with highest honours, graduating sub auspiciis praesidentis in 2013. For my Ph.D. research I was awarded the European Biometrics Industry Award 2013 by the EAB, and received the Appreciation Award 2013 by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research.

I have over 20 years of experience in Tecan Austria GmbH (2017 – 2022),  at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (2015 – 2017), University of Reading (2013-2015), and  University of Salzburg (2007 – 2013). As an external lecturer I was enrolled in teaching activities at the University of Salzburg (2008 – 2013), Fachhochschule Salzburg – Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (2009 – 2013), Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg – Salzburg University of Education (2001 – 2013) in the areas of databases, web technologies, programming, software engineering, compiler construction, and distributed systems. I co-founded Wildnet (1998), a small team of experts offering services related to eLearning content creation, internet and database consulting and IT training.


This personal website is owned and created by Dr. Peter Wild, Hallein, Austria. All opinions expressed here, or implied by links, are private and do not necessarily reflect official views of the current or previous employers. In case of questions or issues with my webpages, please use the following contact details:

Dr. Peter Wild
Kuffergasse 9/14
5400 Hallein, Austria
Email: pw [at] peterwild.net